Rates & Fees

Thunderbird County Water District,  August 18, 2023

Schedule of fees:

Base Service Charge (a)                                                                  $78.00/Bi-Monthly

Overage Charge (b)                                                                           $22.71/1000 cu ft

Service Installed/Zero Use Charge                                            $59.26/Bi-Monthly

Construction Use Charge                                                               $.25/cu ft

Security Safety Fee     $5.00

New Account Set-Up Fee (c)                                                         $25.00

Annual Standby Fee                                                                          $35.00/acre

Credit/Debit Card Fee                                                     $4.75 (flat fee)  

Security Deposit (per account)                                                    $156.00 (2 billing cycles)

Late Charge                                                                                            20% of Balance

Shut-Off for Non-Payment                                                          $50.00

Re-Connect Fee or Restore Existing Service                         $25.00

Will Serve Letters                                                                               $75.00


New Service Connection (Service line and meter setup)

Meter Installation Fee -   1” Meter                                            $2,272.00

Connection Fee:                                                                                 $7,350.00

Supplemental Water Fee:                                                              $3,927.00

1” Meter -  New Service Total:                                                    $13,549.00 


Application for Main Line Extension                                       $1,650.00

Up to and including 1000 Feet                                                     $Call for pricing 

Over 1000 Feet $360.00 plus                                                        $Call for pricing

Charge for Returned Checks                                                         $25.00

Plan Check Fee                                                                                    $75.00


(a) Meter reading and billing is performed bi-monthly. Water service is furnished in increments of two consecutive months commencing on the first day of the month for the months of January, March, May, July, September and November. Bills are due on the first (1st) day of the month and become delinquent 24 days thereafter. A Second Notice is mailed on 24th day of the month and the account may be shut off  35 days after the due date, if special arrangements haven’t been made.  Payment Plans are available for set-up. 

(b) When bi-monthly allowance of 1000 cu ft is exceeded. Paid in month following the usage that occurred in the prior two months.

(c) Applications for Service must also be filed with District for new customers and is required of all property owners within the District’s boundaries.